Chinese Automotive Mixed Plastic Waste Treatment Processes and Cases
1、Overview of Automotive Plastic Components
2、Automotive Plastic Recycling Processes
3、Challenges in Automotive Plastic Recycling
4、Emerging Growth Areas in Plastic Recycling Market
5、Other Plastic Recycling Processes
Overview of Automotive Plastic Components
Automotive Plastics after Shredding
Automotive Plastic Recycling Processes
Plastic Recycling Process Flow
Cleaning and Shredding System
Cleaning and Shredding System
On-site Cleaning and Shredding System
Electrostatic Separation System
Basic Principles of Electrostatic Separation
Small-Scale Electrostatic Separation System
On-site Electrostatic Separation
Main Products after Separation
Some By-Products after Separation
Main Products - Partial Main Units
3、Challenges in High-Quality Automotive Plastic Recycling
4、Emerging Growth Areas in Plastic Recycling Market
5、Other Plastic Recycling Processes