废钢尾料及废纸尾料等资源回收逐渐被国内用户重视,高效空分作为该行业利器显得更 加突出。一次性将毛料分为金属重料、塑料和尘土轻飘物,每小时产出7吨左右,行业内备 受青睐。 The recovery of steel scrap and paper scrap has been paid more and moreattention by domestic users. The raw materials are divided into heavy metalmaterials, plastic materials and dust objects at one time, and the output is about 7tons per hour, which is very popular in the industry.
名称Name:高效空分系统Highefficiencyairseparation system
产出品类 Output category:2
分选对象Sortingobjects:废钢尾料 Scraptailings